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Lamborghini Aventador vs Mercedes-Benz S-Class

What's the difference?

Lamborghini Aventador
Lamborghini Aventador

2017 price

Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Mercedes-Benz S-Class

$149,880 - $179,800

2021 price


2017 Lamborghini Aventador
2021 Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Safety Rating

Engine Type
V12, 6.5L

Twin Turbo V6, 3.0L
Fuel Type
Premium Unleaded Petrol

Premium Unleaded Petrol
Fuel Efficiency
16.9L/100km (combined)

8.4L/100km (combined)

  • Optional reversing camera is taking the mick
  • Low-speed ride is pretty bad
  • It's very, very low

  • Price of entry prohibitive for most
  • 3D instrumentation can make you woozy
  • A tad conservative in design
2017 Lamborghini Aventador Summary

Lamborghini's Aventador S is the last living link to supercars of old. Wild-looking bedroom-poster material, gigantic anti-socially loud V12 that actually spits flame and the kind of performance that will rustle the jimmies of even a seasoned supercar driver.

It harks back to a time when supercars actually sucked, but it didn't matter because they were proof you had both the money and patience to nurse it into life and then wring its neck, because that was the only way it made any sense. While the Huracan is a thoroughly modern supercar, the Aventador is an unashamed, unabashed, hairy-chested, head-banging, rock ape.

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2021 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Summary

It's only in the running for the title of world's best luxury car. No biggie here, then.

Like Rolex and Concorde, S-Class has become a byword for ultimate, and deserved or not, the Mercedes-Benz defines its segment despite the best efforts of the BMW 7 Series, Audi A8, Lexus LS and (sadly now-defunct) Jaguar XJ, as well as pointing the way forward with new technologies that eventually trickle down to more proletarian models.

Replacing the half-million selling W222 unveiled in 2013, the W223 is the latest in a long line since the first W187 Ponton debuted in 1951, and includes the famous ‘Finnies' and Stroke-8 models that followed immediately afterwards, but it is the 1972 W116 that really set the template.

Now, seven generations in, the 2021 S-Class is all-new again, with progressive safety and interior features that should help keep it Australia's bestselling full-sized upper-luxury sedan.

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2017 Lamborghini Aventador 2021 Mercedes-Benz S-Class

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