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Byron started his motoring journalism career when he joined John Mellor in 1997 before becoming a freelance motoring writer two years later.
He wrote for several motoring publications and was ABC Youth radio Triple J's "all things automotive" correspondent from 2001 to 2003.
He rejoined John Mellor in early 2003 and has been with GoAutoMedia as a senior product and industry journalist ever since.
With an eye for detail and a vast knowledge base of both new and used cars Byron lives and breathes motoring.
His encyclopedic knowledge of cars was acquired from childhood by reading just about every issue of every car magazine ever to hit a newsstand in Australia.
The child Byron was the consummate car spotter, devoured and collected anything written about cars that he could lay his hands on and by nine had driven more imaginary miles at the wheel of the family Ford Falcon in the driveway at home than many people drive in a lifetime.
The teenage Byron filled in the agonising years leading up to getting his driver's license by reading the words of the leading motoring editors of the country and learning what they look for in a car and how to write it.
In short, Byron loves cars and knows pretty much all there is to know about every vehicle released during his lifetime as well as most of the ones that were around before then.