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Audi was 123% more likely to be stolen than the average vehicle, followed by BMW (117%).

However, the other German luxury brand, Mercedes-Benz was up only 19% on the average.

The 2006 Suncorp statistics do not provide actual numbers, type or age of vehicle, only proportions stolen.

Vehicles below the average were Volkswagen, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Kia, Peugeot, Daewoo, Nissan and the least likely to be stolen was Daihatsu.

The research showed that the more expensive the vehicle, the more likely it was to be stolen.

The most stolen vehicles were those in the $60,000 to $100,000 bracket, despite the fact that these have better theft protection.

Suncorp also released claims information on crash frequency which shatters the theory that the better the car, the better the driver.

Claims where the driver was at fault for the accident were 10 per cent more likely for cars that were worth $60,000- $100,000. Alfa drivers were 58% more likely to make an at-fault claim than the average driver.

Suncorp motor insurance general manager Daniel Fogarty said the results could suggest that drivers of prestige motor vehicles may feel safer in their cars, which could lead to over-confident attitudes, resulting in more accidents occurring.

“On the other hand, drivers of new prestige vehicles may feel slightly more nervous on the roads than if they were driving a mid-range car, which might potentially cause more accidents, as the financial implications of accidents are higher,” he said.

One of the most common types of claims that Queensland drivers made was for a single-vehicle accident.

Holden Special Vehicles drivers were 50% more likely to make a single-car accident claim, followed by Audi (49%) and Chrysler (44%).

Least likely to make such a claim were Daihatsu drivers at 30% less than the average.

The statistics also show that if you lend your new car to a friend or relative there is a 12% chance that they will scratch or damage it, but a 93% chance they will also own up to it.


Frequency of thefts

1. Audi 123%

2. BMW 117%

3. Jaguar 100%

4. Alfa Romeo 89%

5. Saab 74%

Frequency of at-fault accidents

1. Alfa Romeo 58%

2. Proton 19%

3. Mazda 13%

Frequency of not at-fault accidents

1. Audi 102%

2. Alfa Romeo 94%

3. Proton 75%

Frequency of single-vehicle accidents

1. HSV 50%

2. Audi 49%

3. Chrysler 44%


Source: Suncorp claims statistics for 2006


Mark Hinchliffe
Contributing Journalist
Mark Hinchliffe is a former CarsGuide contributor and News Limited journalist, where he used his automotive expertise to specialise in motorcycle news and reviews.
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