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2015 Nissan Murano Pricing and Specs


Nissan Murano
Expert Rating

CarsGuide has published 1 expert review of the Nissan Murano 2015. It has an average rating of 7 out of 10. Read all the reviews here.

The Nissan Murano 2015 prices range from $12,540 for the basic trim level SUV Murano ST to $18,590 for the top of the range SUV Murano Ti.

The Nissan Murano 2015 comes in SUV.

The Nissan Murano 2015 is available in Unleaded Petrol. Engine sizes and transmissions vary from the SUV 3.5L SP Continuous Variable to the SUV 3.5L SP Continuous Variable.

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Interested in a Nissan Murano?
Nissan Murano FAQs

Will Australia be getting a right-hand drive Murano Ti?

There is no right-hand drive Murano. It was never included in the development program, which was focused entirely on the US. So it won't be coming at any time.

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Diff trouble in Murano

Take it back to where you bought it and see if they will help you with the repairs. It would be much easier if you bought it from a Nissan dealer, that way you could seek goodwill assistance. If you didn't it gets messy. You're not alone; the Murano does have diff problems. If you want to pursue Nissan you should contact the Nissan Customer Service Centre on 1800 035 035.

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* Price is based on Glass's Information Services third party pricing data for the lowest priced Nissan Murano 2015 variant.

The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and options.

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