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Tesla Model S 2020 details leaked: Goodbye to the portrait screen, hello to longer range

Tesla's updated Model S could be just months away

Tesla is reportedly readying for a new Model S, with the brand's updated flagship expected to hit production in September.

That's the word from CBNC in the USA, which says it has confirmed the news with Tesla employees.

Media reports suggest the new Model S, which is now expected to be built on the same production line as the Model X SUV to free up line space for the incoming Model Y, will take on the interior look and feel currently on offer in the more up-spec versions of the Model 3.

Read More About Tesla Model S

And that means the portrait-oriented multimedia screen that's become a hallmark of the brand's larger sedan would be scrapped in favour of a floating-style, landscape-oriented screen from the more affordable model.

The synergies won't end there, either, with CNBC reporting the rest of the cabin will get a Model 3-style makeover, with the new S said to adopt the the same seats and cabin materials as its cheaper sibling - albeit from the most expensive versions of the Model 3.

There's no word yet on range specifics, though reports suggest the new Model S will be able to travel further than its predecessor.

And that would be quite a long way. The outgoing car's drivetrain design was recently overhauled to produce what Tesla called "the "longest range" offered in the battery-electric car space.

The changes, applicable to cars fitted with a 100kWh battery pack, increased the driving range to 660kms (up from 632kms) for the Model S Long Range, based on the NEDC cycle.

"We’re making changes to Model S... that allow it to travel unprecedented distances without needing to recharge, beating our own record for the longest-range production EVs on the road," Tesla said of the changes.

"And we’ve accomplished this without increasing the cars’ battery size, proving that our expertise in system-level design can make our cars dramatically more efficient."

Are you waiting on a new Tesla Model S? Or do you have another EV on your wish list?

Andrew Chesterton
Contributing Journalist
Andrew Chesterton should probably hate cars. From his hail-damaged Camira that looked like it had spent a hard life parked at the end of Tiger Woods' personal driving range, to the Nissan Pulsar Reebok that shook like it was possessed by a particularly mean-spirited demon every time he dared push past 40km/h, his personal car history isn't exactly littered with gold. But that seemingly endless procession of rust-savaged hate machines taught him something even more important; that cars are more than a collection of nuts, bolts and petrol. They're your ticket to freedom, a way to unlock incredible experiences, rolling invitations to incredible adventures. They have soul. And so, somehow, the car bug still bit. And it bit hard. When "Chesto" started his journalism career with News Ltd's Sunday and Daily Telegraph newspapers, he covered just about everything, from business to real estate, courts to crime, before settling into state political reporting at NSW Parliament House. But the automotive world's siren song soon sounded again, and he begged anyone who would listen for the opportunity to write about cars. Eventually they listened, and his career since has seen him filing car news, reviews and features for TopGear, Wheels, Motor and, of course, CarsGuide, as well as many, many others. More than a decade later, and the car bug is yet to relinquish its toothy grip. And if you ask Chesto, he thinks it never will.
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