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App puts an Audi A3 in your driveway

Making sure your next car suits the tiles at Museum station is a must.

Audi has launched an interactive app that lets you ‘virtually’ park the car in your driveway. The iPad app, called the ‘New Audi A3’, is designed to help you decide which Audi A3 Sportback you want to buy, and whether it will be a good fit for your lifestyle – or perhaps garage style.

Audi says that the motive behind the app was to reach time-poor customers. With prospective buyers finding it difficult to make a visit to the showroom, Audi is taking the showroom to them.

“Our customers are busy, and they’re also very connected to modern technology,” Audi’s General Manager for marketing Kevin Goult says, “so this application is a great way for them to experience the detail of the new A3 Sportback a month ahead of our national launch.”

The app allows you to view the new A3 in a 3D showroom, paint it, tour the inside and of course share photos of it in your driveway. But you aren’t just limited to your driveway; As Carsguide found with this app you can view the A3 just about anywhere.

You can see whether the A3 sportsback looks great on the sidewalk, driving up the harbour bridge, on approach to Sydney airport, or even see whether the Audi blue matches Museum station’s sepia tiling. You can also share your new A3 snaps with your friends on Facebook and by email.

The app is out now on the iTunes app store now, and the A3 Sportsback national launch is on the May 24. The car will be available from $35,600. The app is free.
