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The Mazda Tribute 2001 prices range from $2,640 for the basic trim level SUV Tribute Limited to $5,500 for the top of the range SUV Tribute Classic.
The Mazda Tribute 2001 comes in SUV.
The Mazda Tribute 2001 is available in Unleaded Petrol. Engine sizes and transmissions vary from the SUV 2.0L 5 SP Manual 4X4 to the SUV 3.0L 4SP Automatic 4X4.
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What you might find is that the loss of power and the squealing noise could be completely unrelated. In any case, a loss of power can be caused by any number of problems, so an electronic scan of the car would be the first move in diagnosing that problem.
You might be on the right track, meanwhile, in thinking that the squealing noise has something to do with the rubber drive-belts in the engine bay. These will often emit a high-pitched squeal if they get moisture on them. Typically, this will be coolant from a leaking water pump or a leaking radiator (both of which are located handily near the belts). Even though the belts may be perfectly tensioned, coolant leaking on to them is definitely capable of producing the noise you’re hearing.
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The problem with the gauges needs to be investigated by an auto electrician. With the fuel it appears there is a problem with the pick-up in the tank under cornering when the fuel is being pushed to one side. It could be the pump or the filter inside the tank.
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The tare mass of the V6 model is 1527kg; the four-cylinder model is 1434kg, which might help explain the discrepancy.
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* Price is based on Glass's Information Services third party pricing data for the lowest priced Mazda Tribute 2001 variant.
The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and options.Disclaimer: Glass's Information Services (GIS) and CarsGuide Autotrader Media Solutions Pty Ltd. (CarsGuide) provide this information based on data from a range of sources including third parties. Whilst all care has been taken to ensure its accuracy and reliability, GIS and CarsGuide do not warrant or represent that the information is accurate, reliable, complete, current or suitable for any particular purpose. You should not use or rely upon this information without conducting an independent assessment and valuation of the vehicle.
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