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Recently the engine light in my 2010 Ford Fiesta stayed on and after about 10 minutes of driving the traction control and overdrive lights came on as well. My dealer replaced the catalytic converter but it was only a day before the lights came on again. They have since been “running tests”, but have not given me any information on what they have found. Is this a common issue? I bought the car brand new and have regularly serviced it. I was also offered extended warranty for another two years after my warranty runs out in December. It costs $1200, is it worth it?
If they haven't come back to you with the results of their testing then ask them what they have done and what they have found. Your experience is a relatively common one with today's cars. The source of your problem is probably a faulty sensor and the testing being done by your dealer should identify it and fix it. I wouldn't be too concerned about it. As for the extended warranty it really comes down to the confidence you have in the car. If you don't have confidence in the car then the money spent on the extended warranty is worthwhile, but if you feel confident that it will keep running without major trouble then I wouldn't take it. It's your decision, but my own view is that extended warranties are not worth buying. You should also be aware that it is not a factory product.