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My other wife is a car

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Car lover John Wright wrote a book on his experience with cars.
Car lover John Wright wrote a book on his experience with cars.

I have known him for more than 20 years and I am still staggered by everything from his towering intellect to his ability to run 20 kilometres each morning despite devouring red wine at a rate that makes a V8 engine look like a fuel miser.

His history with cars is almost beyond belief and he confesses to owning more than 120 at some time, including swapping one Alfa 90 - not my favourite car by a long way - for an identical car in a slightly different colour.

Wright is a contradiction wrapped inside a question that is rolled up in inside a ball of doubts and worries and challenges. But he can write. His latest effort is titled, in the style I have come to expect from him, "My other wife is a car". Not bad for a bloke who has had plenty of both.

It is a rambling, generous, encouraging, questioning and humorous story from a man who refuses to take life easily. "I wrote the book because my wife often says to me that life is not all about cars," Wright says. "And being in love with cars is not all about cars. It's about what else was happening in your life."

Apart from cars, the novel is about John Wright and his life. I know because I was there or close by for many of the stories and cars he covers. "I tried to write a novel. But . . .," he says. "It's all about the way you look at something. The difference between fiction and non-fiction is often not as much as people think." Is that confusing? No, that's John Wright and his book is worth a read.

It's light and fluffy but also deep and insightful. And definitely worth spending .... at the bookshop. "It's about cars and much more than cars. And an attempt to describe what the passion of cars is all about. "It took about three months. I started out thinking I could re-use pieces I'd already written, but it didn't work out that way. I started thinking it would be 20,000 words but it turned out to be 60,000. Oh well."

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Paul Gover
Paul Gover is a former CarsGuide contributor. During decades of experience as a motoring journalist, he has acted as chief reporter of News Corp Australia. Paul is an all-round automotive expert and specialises in motorsport.
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