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The Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 prices range from $15,950 for the basic trim level SUV Grand Cherokee Laredo (4x2) to $45,210 for the top of the range SUV Grand Cherokee SRT 8 (4X4).
The Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 comes in SUV.
The Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 is available in Diesel and Premium Unleaded Petrol. Engine sizes and transmissions vary from the SUV 3.0L 8 SP Automatic to the SUV 6.4L 8SP Automatic.
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Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015: Blown automatic transmission.
Perhaps a little strangely, the only recall I could find for this model to do with the transmission was one alerting owners to the fact that the unconventional design of the shifter handle could trick them into leaving the vehicle unattended without first selecting Park. But it doesn’t surprise me that you’ve had this failure as this generation of Jeeps has been plagued by all sorts of quality and reliability problems and, therefore, recalls and technical service bulletins (like a recall but not a safety-related issue).
I would definitely be tapping Jeep on the shoulder as I don’t believe 85,000km is a reasonable expectation when it comes to the life expectancy of such a major component in a modern vehicle. However, your car is clearly out of warranty, so it could come down to a dog-fight between you and Jeep.
I’d like to think that Jeep might meet you half way with the cost of repairs given the youth and full service history of your car, but there are no hard and fast rules here. You could also consider talking to Consumer Affairs over this.
The other thing you can do is talk to a transmission specialist as opposed to a Jeep dealer. Chances are, the cost of a replacement or rebuilt transmission from a specialist might be a fair bit less than a dealership can offer. But I’d definitely talk to Jeep head office first.
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Is the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT 2015 reliable?
We are not aware of any specific issues with the SRT’s big V8, but the Grand Cherokee doesn’t have a great reputation for reliability. It has been subject to a number of recalls for various problems, and we would urge you to have a Jeep dealer check any vehicle you might consider buying before you do so. Fuel consumption is also something to think about with the 6.4-litre V8, it uses fuel and usually more than most people anticipate when they buy one.
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Good SUV for outback caravan towing
The Discovery hasn’t done a lot of kays for its age, presumably those it has done have been tooling around town. If it’s in great shape, has been well maintained and serviced and hasn’t been used off-road I would tend to go for the Land Rover. Against that the Jeep has a good reputation as a towing vehicle, and it’s new, which adds to its appeal.
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* Price is the median price of 263 listings for the Grand Cherokee 2015 for sale in the last 6 months. The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and options.
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