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Gearbox knocking in my 2014 Audi Q5

Audi Audi Advice Audi Q5 Audi Q5 Advice Audi Q5 2014

There’s a gearbox knock in my 2014 Audi Q5 when shifting from second to first as I come to a stop.

You haven’t told me what engine and transmission your car is fitted with, but if it’s one with the seven-speed DSG transmission, then this would not be the first time buyers have experienced problems. While not as troublesome as some dual-clutch gearboxes, the Audi’s DSG can wear over time, with symptoms including jerking on take-off, an inability to select a gear and, as you’ve noted, a selection of noises and clunks during shifts.

A transmission specialist should be able to scan the car electronically to see if the car throws up a fault code, and can also graph the performance of the transmission’s clutch packs to see if they’re behaving smoothly.

But don’t rule out something loose or worn in the front suspension or even a worn driveshaft. Both these things can contribute to clunks at low speed.

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