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Which cars are legal for P platers to drive in Australia?
By Emily Agar · 06 Mar 2024
The P plate car restrictions in Australia can be rather complicated, as the list of P plate legal cars not only varies from state to state, but is subject to change as the automotive landscape evolves.
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How do I put fuel in my Mazda 323?
By David Morley · 20 Nov 2020

 I do not know how to put fuel in my Mazda 323. I'm 15 and I have two months until I can drive with my L-plates.

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Good first cars: 10 Best first cars for Australian drivers
By Neil Dowling · 21 Oct 2020
Think “first car”, think “budget car”. Price is the key to unlock the best choices in vehicles for first-car buyers, but if you’re in this bracket, your second criterium should be safety.
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Best safe car buys for P-platers
By Chris Riley · 14 Jul 2020
You don't have to spend a fortune on a vehicle that will protect the young driver in your family.
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Best good-looking car buys by segment
By Craig Duff · 05 Jul 2020
We spend weeks comparing new car performance and prices... then fall for a shiny one.
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Top five tips for negotiating with car dealers
By Andrew Chesterton · 19 May 2020
If movies are to be believed, your average car dealership is packed with suit-wearing sharks waiting for an innocent victim to approach the doors. But the truth is, most of our fears are unfounded.
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Best cars for P platers
By Tim Robson · 05 May 2020
Shopping for a car can be hard going at the best of times; Australia has more brands of vehicle and more models on sale than almost any other country on the planet.
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Financing Your First Car
By · 19 Mar 2020
Considering car finance for the first time? Read our tips for buyers planning to borrow to buy a car for the first time.
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Why the affordable first car is disappearing
By Stephen Ottley · 25 Dec 2019
Buying your first new car is getting more expensive.
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What's a reliable car with turbo?
By Graham Smith · 16 Aug 2019

I'm 17 and looking to buy a car next year. I have a budget of under $16,000. Are there any reliable cars preferably with a turbo?

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