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1962 Fiat 2100 (base) Pricing and Spec Configurations


Contact your local dealer for pricing information*
Fiat 2100

Select Engine & transmission configuration

Body Type
Sedan, 4doors, 0seats
Fuel efficiency
Engine size
Inline 6, 2.1L
4 speed manual
0 years/- km warranty

Tech Specs

Overall height
Overall length
Overall width
Ground clearance unladen
Kerb weight
Turning circle 0.00m
Rear track
Front track
Gross trailer weight braked
Injection/Carburation -
Engine Capacity 2054cc
Number of cylinders 6
Fuel type Leaded Petrol
Fuel tank capacity 0.00L
Fuel consumption
Maximum torque
Maximum power
Front brakes Not Provided
Rear brakes Not Provided
Front suspension Not Sufficient Data
Rear suspension Not Sufficient Data
Tyre and rims
Front tyre size
Front rim size
Rear tyre size
Rear rim size
Interested in a Fiat 2100?

* Price is based on Glass's Information Services third party pricing data for the lowest priced Fiat 2100 1962 variant.

The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and options.

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