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6 June 2018

'Mortal Engines' shows us what would happen if you could drive the city of London

By Matthew PritchardMatthew Pritchard

The first non-teaser trailer for 'Mortal Engines' has been released, and it's something else.

Based on a series of novels, it's a post-apocalyptic adventure set in a world where, thanks to resource depletion, most cities have been converted into roving 'Traction Cities'.

They're basically enormous off-road vehicles underpinning entire metropolises. The bigger cities hunt the smaller ones and effectively 'eat' them, in a set up that feels like someone took the works of Charles Darwin and cross-bred them with 'Mad Max: Fury Road'.

The teaser showed off a bit of this, but this new trailer takes a deeper dive into the world, specifically the city of London (one of the biggest, baddest Traction Cities around), and sets up the basic plot, which looks to be that it's a chase movie where the lead characters are being pursued by a city-sized ATV.

It's not out until Christmas, so we've got a while before we get to see these behemoths in action, but so far the designs look unique and interesting, and it's nice in a world of remakes, reboots, sequels and expanded universes to see a trailer for a film that's so unashamedly different to a lot of other fantasy stories.

If all Australian capital cities were turned into Traction cities and got in a fight, who would win? Battle it out in the comments below.