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Does the Ford Mondeo have a DPS6 Powershift transmission?
Ford started using a dual-clutch transmission on the Mondeo from late 2009 in the upgrade of the Mark 4 Mondeo. It continued into the Mark 5 model launched in mid-2015. However, it’s important to note that it was not the dry-clutch DPS6 version of the Powershift gearbox you’ve asked about, but a superior wet-clutch version. It was also used only on turbocharged petrol and turbo-diesel Mondeos; the normally-aspirated petrol model used a conventional automatic transmission.
The Mondeo dual-clutch unit’s wet-clutch design has proven itself to be the vastly superior solution. It’s not that we haven’t heard of some failures of this transmissions, but it’s far less likely to cause problems than the dry-clutch version which was only used by ford in Focus, Fiesta and Ecosport (in Australia).
I can understand why anybody would be apprehensive about the dry-clutch transmission in a Ford as it was an absolute disaster for both owners and the Ford company. Ford Australia was fined millions and roundly condemned by the ACCC over its handling of the fiasco, and many owners swore off Ford’s products for life.
A huge percentage of dry-clutch Focuses, Fiestas and Ecosports suffered total transmission failures early in life, and even those that kept going often had driveability issues to drive their owners crazy. The best advice with a dual-clutch Fiesta, Focus or Ecosport is to avoid it at all costs. This is a car you really don’t want to own at any price.