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Clutch cylinder problem in my 2015/16 Ford Ranger

Ford Ford Advice Ford Ranger Ford Ranger Advice Ford Ranger 2015

Two years ago, I replaced the clutch slave cylinder and master cylinder in my 2015/16 Ford Ranger. Now the clutch pedal has just dropped to the floor roughly 25,000km after the cylinders being replaced. Can I ask the workshop that changed the cylinders to replace them again for free?

Is 25,000km a good average to get out of a new set of clutch cylinders? Until recently, the car was making a rattling sound but as soon as I put my foot on the clutch, it went away. But now the clutch has completely gone and I can’t even get it into gear. What do I do?

It’s very unlikely a workshop would replace a component it fitted two years and 25,000km ago for free. Spare parts and repairs come with warranties, but generally not over that period of time or mileage. In any case, it sounds more like the clutch or flywheel has failed, rather than the master or slave clutch cylinders.

This model Ranger had a dual-mass flywheel designed to make for smoother operation, but the design cold also lead to premature clutch wear. When that happened, difficulty in selecting gears was one of the symptoms. Some owners when faced with this problem, converted their vehicles to a conventional single-mass flywheel to get around the problem in the future.

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