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Articles by Stephen Corby

Stephen Corby

Stephen Corby

Contributing Journalist

Stephen Corby stumbled into writing about cars after being knocked off the motorcycle he’d been writing about by a mob of angry and malicious kangaroos. Or that’s what he says, anyway. Back in the early 1990s, Stephen was working at The Canberra Times, writing about everything from politics to exciting Canberra night life, but for fun he wrote about motorcycles.

After crashing a bike he’d borrowed, he made up a colourful series of excuses, which got the attention of the motoring editor, who went on to encourage him to write about cars instead. The rest, as they say, is his story.

Reviewing and occasionally poo-pooing cars has taken him around the world and into such unexpected jobs as editing TopGear Australia magazine and then the very venerable Wheels magazine, albeit briefly. When that mag moved to Melbourne and Stephen refused to leave Sydney he became a freelancer, and has stayed that way ever since, which allows him to contribute, happily, to CarsGuide.

As far as chemicals go, hydrogen is a lot like Adele’s music:...Read more

What is Cupra?

Cupra is the sizzling, sporty...Read more

Although electric vehicles (EVs) may seem a little intimidating to the...Read more

A traditional sports car is a lot like the barfly at your local pub -...Read more

Q: Why are electric vehicles so expensive?

 A: There’s no simple...Read more

What does MHEV stand for?

A: A Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle (MHEV...Read more

Defining what constitutes a ‘sports car’ is a reliably easy way of...Read more

‘Car sharing’ (or ‘carsharing’, if you’re more the compound word type)...Read more

With most major manufacturers pledging to phase out or significantly...Read more

Automotive technology has come along in leaps and bounds over the last...Read more

Hybrid cars may sound like some impossibly complicated technology - as...Read more

For a rather long period of time, Japanese car brand Nissan (now a...Read more

When German car manufacturer Porsche - a brand famous for its world-...Read more

Compared to other car companies, Japanese car manufacturer Subaru is a...Read more

Just what do those fuel consumption ratings numbers on the windscreen...Read more

Some time in the not-too-distant future, petrol-powered internal-...Read more

Electric cars are better for the environment because they have zero...Read more

Learning to drive is a huge milestone in anyone’s life, and, wisely, it...Read more

Studies show top sellers are not always the most affordable cars to own...Read more
